You’re probably familiar with companies that are B2B (business to business) or a B2C (business to consumer), but are you aware of H2H - Human 2 Human. Well, that’s us. We’re all about people and we stand by our mantra People Before Profits, as an H-2-H company.
In part, this means that everything we do is motivated to help our customers achieve their health wellbeing goals. However, it also means that we seek out the ‘people factor’ whenever we can. We don’t transact, we build relationships. Recently, we have had a terrific time collaborating with some incredibly interesting, inspiring and talented individuals. These bloggers and instagrammers have been using our collagen powder and sharing their experiences with their own followers.
But we wanted to do more.
We wanted to go beyond this initiative and really get to know these individuals. So, here we are. We’re sharing with you just a slice of their story; how they got to be where they are; what excites and ignites their passion, be it for body, mind or soul.
We hope you enjoy getting to know our new friends.
Ellie from Brighton Pilates
A young life of dance led Ellie to discover pilates and all its benefits. Having studied it at college, she could not ignore the results of her own work. The writing was on the wall - pilates can change your life. She subscribes wholeheartedly to this concept, and runs a successful studio in Brighton, UK. Find out more about Ellie’s story.

Michelle from Peachy Palate
‘Shel’ is Irish born and bred, living in County Wicklow and working full-time as a recipe creator and food stylist/photographer and blogger. A previous eating disorder no longer defines her, it inspires her by reminding her what she doesn’t want to think, believe or behave. Find out more about Peachy’s story.

Natalie Myskow
Half Italian, half English, Natalie Myskow balances a life working in childcare for additional needs children, with a passion for anything and everything food. Following the death of her father in 2016, Natalie re-shaped her world and what she wanted to do in it. The results are for your delectable Instagram viewing and cooking enjoyment. Find out more about Natalie’s story.

Lola from This Female Fitness & Health
Lola was having a natural birth for her first child, nothing had prepared her for anything other than this. All the classes she attended, all the medical appointments she had; every part of her pregnancy journey suggested and assumed a vaginal birth. Until she had a c-section. Months down the line, whilst trying to lose her mummy tummy via a DIY workout video, Lola realised the exercises were in fact causing her harm. Yet again, she’d been let down by a lack of advice and communication. It set her on a course that would change her life, and help the lives of many women around her. Find out more about Lola’s story.
Andy Blake from Bayside Fitness
A unique background that blends science with spirituality has led Andy down an unexpected career - and life - path. Having trained big wave surfers, he realised what set them apart was their incredible ability to manage stress. To see the approaching danger and energy of a mega wave, and yet to remain cool-headed and calm. Andy decided to bottle that magic and share it with others in the hope to teach more and more of us to focus only on what we have the power to control and change. Find out more about Andy's story.

Shavita from Wellness with Shavita
Based in Australia, Shavita is a yoga, pilates and meditation instructor. Having climbed the corporate ladder, she is now committed to helping others achieve overall health and well-being. To that end, Shavita provided free online yoga classes throughout lockdown in an effort to help care for her immediate as well as wider online communities. She has also been curating some short, simple yoga exercises specifically for the Edible Health family. Find out more about Shavita’s story.