Welcome to the first in our series of collagen mythbusting, and we’re starting with a good one! So... is taking collagen supplements that contain several types of collagen better for you?
The short answer is; no. The longer answer requires a bit more detail! Before we tackle this point, let’s look firstly at what types of collagen exist.
How many types of collagen are there?
There are in fact at least 28 different types of collagen found in the body, of which Type I comprises approximately 90% of our collagen.
So, for these purposes, we will look at the five most common types found in the human body.
With one exception only (and more on that shortly), the types of collagen you take in supplement form bear no impact on how or where it will be used by the body.
All collagen types are broken down in the small intestine and then appear in the blood as either small chains of amino acids known as protein peptides or as individual amino acids. These peptides and amino acids are then transported into cells and used by the body for whatever it decides it needs at that point in time. This might be for more collagen production, for healing and sealing the gut, for supporting brain or hormone function, or for helping with muscles and metabolism, and lots more.
In other words, consuming Type I collagen does not mean you will end up with more Type I collagen in your body. That would be like saying you eat rump steak to improve your glutes! There is currently no science supporting that consuming collagen which contains multiple types of collagen will have different or greater benefits.
It’s more a question of quality than type
Because the body breaks down all protein, including collagen protein (regardless of types) into peptides or amino acids, the quality of the collagen you ingest is far more important than how many types of collagen it contains.
If you eat vegetables grown in soil with poor nutrition, you will get far less benefit than you would from vegetables grown organically and in soil with high nutritional content. The same applies to collagen. Cheap or inferior collagen will provide you with poor quality protein peptides. They simply won’t have as much benefit or use to the body as high-quality protein peptides, even if the cheaper product contains Type I, II, III, IV and V collagen. You would be better off consuming a high-quality collagen with Types I and III than a product of lower quality, but with more collagen types.
The exception - Type 2 Undenatured or Matrix Collagen
As we said, there is one exception, and that is a very specific form of Type II collagen.
There are currently two forms of collagen Type II that react differently in the body to normal collagen types. These are either an undenatured Type II collagen or a Type II Matrix collagen. To keep things simple, the fundamental difference of these forms of Type II collagen are that they do not pass from the small intestine into the blood. Instead, they trigger an immuno-response in the small intestine and this response leads to signals being sent to the body, which stimulate collagen production... but only in joints.
The reason for this difference is down to the fact that the amino acids in these types of collagen, whilst containing the same aminos as other types, are actually joined together in chains in a slightly different way. This small difference in molecular structure is what results in a different reaction in the small intestine. When a collagen type acts in this way, we say that it has “joint functionality”. In other words, the collagen peptides specifically trigger collagen production in joint tissues.
So, unless you are consuming Type II undenatured or Matrix collagen specifically for joints, then the type(s) of collagen you ingest won’t matter. Just be sure, however, that whatever you take is of the highest quality and of the purest nature, backed by comprehensive testing and certificates, from a supplier you can trust.
Because nothing is more valuable than your health.
What is the best type of collagen supplement?
It goes without saying we believe the answer is Edible Health collagen powder!
All our products use 100% pure collagen (the collagen itself is Halal and Kosher certified) and are ideal for Keto, Paleo and Whole30 lifestyles, as well as intermittent fasting. Our collagen is also certified free from GMO, BSE, gluten, whey, dairy, soy, nuts, pesticides, heavy metals, steroids, antibiotics, and hormones. It also complies with WADA regulation.
The information we have provided herewith, and all linked materials, are not intended nor should they be construed as medical advice. Moreover, the information herewith should not be used as a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions and consult your General Practitioner for advice specific for you.